Pass/Fail & Grading Options

Academic Flexibility and Evaluation at TUOS

At The University of Ontological Science, we recognize that intellectual exploration may benefit from diverse evaluation approaches. Our Pass/Fail and alternative grading options offer students the opportunity to explore challenging courses, pursue intellectual curiosity beyond their comfort zones, and create a balanced academic experience while maintaining the rigorous standards that define a TUOS education.

Pass/Fail Option

The Pass/Fail option allows students to take certain courses without the pressure of letter grades, encouraging intellectual risk-taking and exploration of diverse subject areas.

Key Policies

  • Eligibility: Available to students who have completed at least one full semester at TUOS and are in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher)

  • Credit Limits:

    • Undergraduate students may take up to 16 credit hours Pass/Fail throughout their degree program
    • Graduate students may take up to 6 credit hours Pass/Fail (where permitted by their program)
    • No more than one course per semester may be taken Pass/Fail
  • Grade Designation:

    • Pass (P): Awarded for work equivalent to a C- or better (undergraduate) or B- or better (graduate)
    • Fail (F): Recorded for work below the minimum passing threshold
    • A “P” grade carries credit but does not impact GPA; an “F” grade affects GPA similarly to a traditional F
  • Restrictions:

    • Courses in the student’s major or minor cannot typically be taken Pass/Fail
    • Core curriculum requirements cannot be fulfilled with Pass/Fail courses
    • Some departments and programs have additional restrictions

Declaration Process

  1. Consultation: Students should first consult with their academic advisor to discuss the implications of the Pass/Fail option
  2. Registration: Initially register for the course under the standard grading option
  3. Declaration: Submit the Pass/Fail Declaration Form to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline (see timeline below)
  4. Confirmation: Receive confirmation of your Pass/Fail registration status via university email


Term Pass/Fail Declaration Deadline Reversal Deadline
Fall/Spring End of the fourth week of classes End of the eighth week of classes
Summer (6-week) End of the second week of classes End of the third week of classes
Winter (3-week) End of the first week of classes End of the second week of classes

Audit Option

The Audit option allows students to attend and participate in a course without receiving credit or a grade, ideal for those seeking knowledge without formal evaluation.

Key Policies

  • Eligibility: Available to all students, as well as faculty, staff, and in some cases, community members (with instructor permission)
  • Registration: Must be declared at registration or by the end of the add/drop period
  • Participation: Auditors are expected to attend class regularly but are not required to complete assignments or examinations
  • Record: An “AU” notation appears on the transcript; no credit is earned
  • Fees: Full tuition is charged for audited courses; alumni and seniors (65+) may be eligible for discounted audit fees

Audit Process

  1. Permission: Obtain permission from the course instructor using the Audit Permission Form
  2. Registration: Submit the completed form to the Registrar’s Office during the registration period or by the add/drop deadline
  3. Confirmation: Receive confirmation of audit status via university email

Incomplete Grades

The Incomplete grade option provides flexibility when unforeseen circumstances prevent course completion despite good academic standing.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Student must have completed at least 70% of coursework with passing performance
  • Circumstances beyond the student’s control must have prevented course completion
  • There must be a reasonable expectation that the student can complete the remaining work


  1. Initiation: Either the student or instructor may initiate an incomplete grade request
  2. Documentation: Complete the Incomplete Grade Contract specifying:
    • Remaining work to be completed
    • Timeline for completion (not to exceed one semester)
    • Default grade if work is not completed
  3. Approval: The contract must be signed by the student, instructor, and department chair
  4. Submission: The contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the final grade deadline


  • Completion: Upon satisfactory completion of requirements, the instructor submits a grade change form
  • Expiration: If work is not completed by the deadline, the default grade specified in the contract is assigned
  • Extension: In exceptional circumstances, one extension may be granted with appropriate approval

Grade Appeals

Students who believe a final grade was assigned erroneously or inequitably may appeal through our formal process.

Valid Grounds for Appeal

  • Mathematical error in grade calculation
  • Assignment of a grade based on criteria other than those stated in the syllabus
  • Application of standards different from those applied to other students
  • Substantial departure from announced grading procedures

Appeal Process

  1. Informal Resolution: Student must first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the instructor
  2. Formal Appeal: If informal resolution is unsuccessful, submit a Grade Appeal Form to the department chair within 30 days of grade posting
  3. Department Review: The department chair reviews the appeal and makes a recommendation
  4. Committee Review: If necessary, the Academic Standards Committee conducts a final review
  5. Final Decision: The committee’s decision is final and will be communicated in writing

Grading System Overview

Undergraduate Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percentage GPA Points
A 93-100% 4.0
A- 90-92% 3.7
B+ 87-89% 3.3
B 83-86% 3.0
B- 80-82% 2.7
C+ 77-79% 2.3
C 73-76% 2.0
C- 70-72% 1.7
D+ 67-69% 1.3
D 63-66% 1.0
D- 60-62% 0.7
F Below 60% 0.0

Graduate Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percentage GPA Points
A 93-100% 4.0
A- 90-92% 3.7
B+ 87-89% 3.3
B 83-86% 3.0
B- 80-82% 2.7
C+ 77-79% 2.3
C 73-76% 2.0
F Below 73% 0.0

Additional Grade Notations

  • W (Withdrawal): Indicates student withdrawal from a course after the add/drop period but before the withdrawal deadline
  • WF (Withdrawal Failing): Indicates withdrawal after the deadline while failing the course
  • WP (Withdrawal Passing): Indicates withdrawal after the deadline while passing the course
  • I (Incomplete): Temporary grade indicating arrangements to complete coursework after the end of term
  • IP (In Progress): Used for multi-semester courses or projects
  • R (Repeat): Indicates a course has been repeated; only the most recent grade counts toward GPA

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will graduate or professional schools accept Pass/Fail courses?
A: Many graduate programs prefer or require letter grades for prerequisite courses. Students planning to apply to graduate or professional schools should research the policies of their target programs before electing Pass/Fail.

Q: Can I change a course from Pass/Fail back to graded status?
A: Yes, you may revert to the standard grading option before the reversal deadline listed in the timeline section. After this deadline, no changes will be permitted.

Q: Do audited courses count toward full-time status?
A: No, audited courses do not count toward the credit hours required for full-time status, financial aid eligibility, or visa requirements for international students.

Q: If I fail a Pass/Fail course, can I repeat it for a letter grade?
A: Yes, courses failed under the Pass/Fail option may be repeated either for a letter grade or as Pass/Fail (if eligible within your remaining Pass/Fail credits).

Q: Can I request an Incomplete if I’m failing a course?
A: Generally, no. Incompletes are designed for students who are passing but cannot complete the course due to extenuating circumstances. If you’re struggling academically, consult with your instructor and academic advisor about other options.

Contact Information

Office of the Registrar
Academic Building, Room 203
(555) 123-4567

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Extended hours (7:00 AM – 7:00 PM) during the first and last week of each semester

Academic Advising Center
Wisdom Hall, Room 105
(555) 123-4569

At TUOS, we believe that meaningful education involves both structured evaluation and space for intellectual exploration. Our grading options reflect our commitment to academic excellence while providing flexibility that acknowledges the diverse paths of learning and the unique circumstances of each student’s academic journey.